Make God Known
A Heart on Fire
"I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever." (Psalm 145:1)
These words from the psalmist ring with a passion that echoes through the ages. A passion to praise, a passion to exalt, a passion to make known the greatness of God. This isn't some quiet contemplation, tucked away in a dusty corner. This is a burning desire that wants to shout from the rooftops, to dance in the streets, to tell the whole world about the love and majesty of our King.
And that's our mission, isn't it? To make Him known. To let the light of His grace shine so brightly that it chases away the shadows in every corner of the world. But let's be honest, sometimes that mission can feel overwhelming. We look around at the vastness of need, the endless array of problems, and we wonder, "How can we possibly make a difference? How can we be all things to all people?"
The truth is we can't be present in every place, solving every problem, or meeting every need. But that's not a call to shrink back; it's an invitation to lean in. Even Paul, who was willing to make himself a "servant to all," understood this. It wasn't about pleasing anyone for the sake of approval. It was about strategically removing obstacles and building relationships in order to effectively share the Gospel.
Our mission isn't about spreading ourselves thin, trying to be all things to all people. It's about being faithful to the One who calls us. It's about fanning the flame of His Spirit within us and letting it guide our steps, our words, our actions, so we can truly make Him known.
Remember the story of Jesus and the rich young man? The man who wanted to follow Jesus, but couldn't bring himself to let go of his possessions? Jesus told him, "Let the dead bury the dead, and you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:60)
Powerful words, aren't they? Jesus wasn't dismissing the importance of tradition or respect for the deceased. He was highlighting a deeper truth: We are alive! We have a Spirit burning within us, whispering truths far more profound than any ancient scroll. We can't get so caught up in the tombs of tradition, in the "way things have always been done," that we miss the vibrant, life-giving call of Christ.
Surrendering to that call isn't passive. It's active. It's choosing to step out in faith, even when we don't have all the answers. It's saying "yes" to the whisper of the Spirit, even when it leads us down unfamiliar paths. It's about letting go of our own agendas and embracing the adventure of following Jesus, wherever He may lead.
Bottom line: We make God known not by our own strength or striving, but by surrendering to the guidance of His Spirit. Are you willing to let go and let God lead you to those He's calling you to serve?
These words from the psalmist ring with a passion that echoes through the ages. A passion to praise, a passion to exalt, a passion to make known the greatness of God. This isn't some quiet contemplation, tucked away in a dusty corner. This is a burning desire that wants to shout from the rooftops, to dance in the streets, to tell the whole world about the love and majesty of our King.
And that's our mission, isn't it? To make Him known. To let the light of His grace shine so brightly that it chases away the shadows in every corner of the world. But let's be honest, sometimes that mission can feel overwhelming. We look around at the vastness of need, the endless array of problems, and we wonder, "How can we possibly make a difference? How can we be all things to all people?"
The truth is we can't be present in every place, solving every problem, or meeting every need. But that's not a call to shrink back; it's an invitation to lean in. Even Paul, who was willing to make himself a "servant to all," understood this. It wasn't about pleasing anyone for the sake of approval. It was about strategically removing obstacles and building relationships in order to effectively share the Gospel.
Our mission isn't about spreading ourselves thin, trying to be all things to all people. It's about being faithful to the One who calls us. It's about fanning the flame of His Spirit within us and letting it guide our steps, our words, our actions, so we can truly make Him known.
Remember the story of Jesus and the rich young man? The man who wanted to follow Jesus, but couldn't bring himself to let go of his possessions? Jesus told him, "Let the dead bury the dead, and you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:60)
Powerful words, aren't they? Jesus wasn't dismissing the importance of tradition or respect for the deceased. He was highlighting a deeper truth: We are alive! We have a Spirit burning within us, whispering truths far more profound than any ancient scroll. We can't get so caught up in the tombs of tradition, in the "way things have always been done," that we miss the vibrant, life-giving call of Christ.
Surrendering to that call isn't passive. It's active. It's choosing to step out in faith, even when we don't have all the answers. It's saying "yes" to the whisper of the Spirit, even when it leads us down unfamiliar paths. It's about letting go of our own agendas and embracing the adventure of following Jesus, wherever He may lead.
Bottom line: We make God known not by our own strength or striving, but by surrendering to the guidance of His Spirit. Are you willing to let go and let God lead you to those He's calling you to serve?
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